Saturday, February 7, 2009

How to get your e-mails read

Many of us have a big problem with e-mail marketing - how do you get the recipient to open and read your e-mails. I know I delete e-mails without actually opening them and I am sure there are millions of users who do the same. Here are some things you can do that may get your e-mails opened and with luck, read and acted upon.

News: Use breaking news as your subject. News headlines create curiosity with the recipient and will lead them to opening the e-mail and reading the contents.

How To: Providing solutions in the form of how to’s, or perhaps get better use out of a product are always popular.

Questions: Turn your statements into questions. If you ask the right questions you will spark the curiosity required to get your e-mail opened and read.

Command: Command your reader using language that directs them to open your e-mail. Time sensitive commands can work well for example; ‘act now’, ‘last day’.

Challenge: A challenge can often spark curiosity in an e-mail. Challenges use key words such as ‘dare’, ‘are you game’, ‘do you have what it takes’.

The one common thread amongst all five subject lines is curiosity. E-mail marketing relies on sparking that curiosity that is within all of us. The best way to spark curiosity is to use an emotional hook. Tug on the emotions and your campaign will at least get read.

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