Thursday, May 3, 2007


A few years ago I was one of the managers at a major publishing company in Boca Raton Florida. I managed their e-book department. Since this was a burgeoning field, the higher ups required several meetings. (Have you noticed that the people in charge are often twits? - I think the official job of middle managers is to educate their VP. Unfortunately some VP has such huge egos, that they resist the input of their subordinates). But I digress. After a while, the meetings became so frequent, that I became bored. To entertain myself, I would write my notes in patois (a Jamaican dialect) or I would scribble.

Our meetings were always the same, we discussed the same topics (we would adjourn by discussing the time and place for the next meeting, where we would review the meeting we just has - confused. Eventually, taking notes in Patois was no longer necessary, because the topics were the same day after day. So the scribbling took over. I found myself scribbling the same basic shapes - soon, I began to wonder if I could make the scribbles into something useful.
About a year after I left the job with the publishing company, I was on my way to pick up my son and I had a light bulb moment. I was waiting for the light to turn green and I started to scribble the same image on piece of paper I had in my car. I returned home and started shaping the scribbles with wire. As I was shaping the wire the true light bulb moment came to me - I would make wine glass charms.

Bet you have not seen these before:)

And this is how you use them - Now there is no need to ask which glass is mine

Drink or wine glass charms....
are everywhere these days. I like to think of them as jewelry for my stemware. They make a great hostess gift and a wonderful addition to any table. They make finding one's own wine glass easier. If you don't serve wine, they are just a pretty on the stem of a water goblet or dessert glass! You can keep them to use at future gatherings or let your guests take them as a little memento of the occasion. And what a cute wedding favor with the couple's new initials.

See more @

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey popped over from mompack those are very elegant and lovely. Great Idea!!