Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's day

"Some day you’ll miss your dear loving mother, you’ll wish you had her back in your home, you’ll wish you had her back, back in your little shack, some day you’ll miss her, when she is gone.” These are words to a song my mom would sing to me when I was a little girl. I did not get it at the time, now I do.

This year I decided not to mope around – I decided to do something for someone else. My nephew and his wife have 3 children under the age of 4. So on Saturday my son and I took them off her hands for almost the entire day. When my son was younger, I always wished that I would have a day off. My mother would help when she could, but then she became ill and subsequently passed away. After that point, it was just the 2 of us.

My mother’s day gift was the smile on her face. She was able to get some well deserved rest. Me – I sprouted a few more grey hairs. But it was well worth it.

Made her a necklace with each of her kids birthstone – she loved it.

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