Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How can you grow your list?

  • Place a “Join my email list” sign-up box on your website
  • Have a Website Contests—give away something of value, tickets to concert, samples of your products etc. to get people to join. One of my clients offer people who subscribe to their list a 10% discount plus 3 free sample packets of their face cream.
  • Encourage your customers or members to spread the word - Give prizes to active members who forward the newsletter to friends and get them to sign up.
  • Have a raffle @ a trade show - tell customers they will be placed on your mailing list.
  • Run an internal contest to get all your employees involved
  • Collect email addresses everywhere Are there organizations or businesses you could cross-promote with? find some and do so!

Here is a sample sign-up form.

Here are places that you can place this handy form:
  • Place them Near cash registers - as customer make their purchase, you can invite them to sign up.
  • At registration counter - as guest check in and out, the form will be right there.
  • At a fundraising event - participants will want to hear from you.
  • At places of worship - as people leave the service, they can opt in to receive your newsletter.

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