Friday, February 20, 2009

More email marketing strategies

Three out of four leads will not buy from you within the first six months. E-mail marketing allows you to nurture those prospects until they’re ready. one way of building that relationship, is to encourage them to opt in.

Here are some more strategies you may use:

Tradeshows/networking events. Make a note on business cards of contacts that have chosen to be added to your e-mail list. Try sending a follow-up e-mail to new contacts, and mention your newsletter as a way to keep in touch. Also, try having a raffle/contest at your next show. Not only will it drive traffic to your booth, but it’s an opportunity to collect e-mail addresses from anyone entering. Let entrants know they will be added to your newsletter list.

Viral marketing. Include a forward to a friend link in your email campaign. You can also run a “Forward to a Friend Contest” in your e-mail newsletter. If readers use the Forward link, they’re entered to win a prize.

Subject line. Try adding “Pls. Forward” to the end of your newsletter subject line.

E-mail signature. Include a “Join Our E-mail List” link at the bottom of your e-mail signature—and your staff’s. Try to make the language more compelling!

Customer support. Have your customer-support staff request e-mail addresses. Familiarize them with your newsletter content.

Squeeze page. Create a Web page that “squeezes” contact info out of a visitor. Use a free download or more information about your services as a lure.

Web site. Have a sign-up box on every page of your Web site. Each is a potential landing page.

Show list. Sometimes tradeshow organizers will provide a list of attendees’ e-mail addresses. Send out a newsletter a few days before the show introducing your company. you may also includes a link to set up an appointment and a download of your latest items.

Competition/contest. Offer a contest to win a voucher or gift certificates for your products or services. Promote your contest in magazines, at tradeshows, and on your Web site.

Customer events. Hold events where you push e-mail sign-up. A lot of retailers hold in-store parties around Christmas. Think of holidays that appeal to your customer base, or just make one up, a la “Girls’ Night Out.”

Pop-up/ pop-over. Use a pop-up box or pop-over on your Web site. Spiegel has a Java-based pop-over sign-up form; GQ has a pop-up box on exit. I know, some of us hate pop-up boxes, but they are effective.

Business card. The back of your business card is a great place to promote your newsletter, i.e. “Stay in touch via our monthly Tips newsletter.”

Cross-promotion. Team up with complementary businesses. Try not to hijack each other’s newsletter; introduce yourself gradually to your partner’s readers. Make sure you design your creative to fit in with theirs. Have you noticed how Daily Candy cross-promotes, using its own artwork and copywriter for its dedicated e-mails? It’s not so jarring and feels less like spam.

Business associations. Contact your association for its membership roster. There are thousands of associations and trade organizations. Many provide their list to members for free. Send colleagues an incentive to sign up for your newsletter.

Articles. Write an article (like this one!) and publish it for free in other newsletters and on Web sites. Add the line, “Want to receive more articles like this? Click here.”

Online sign-up page. Subscribers like to know what they’re getting into. Your sign-up page needs to sell your newsletter. Include:

• A clear outline of the type of content your newsletter covers

• Explain the benefits of receiving your newsletter

• Testimonials from current subscribers

• A link to your privacy statement

• A sample of past issues

• Set the right expectations by stating your frequency

Long subscription forms. Keep your subscription process simple, requiring name and e-mail address only. If you ask for a postal code, tell them why you need it. (To send information about local stores, for instance.) You can always survey subscribers later for additional information.

Reprint your newsletter content. Let others reprint your newsletter/blog articles. You gather links back to your site and new readers. Just ask that they add your contact information/link details.

Direct mail list. Chances are you already have a mailing list. Send out a postcard with an incentive to sign up for your e-mail newsletter.

Checkbox on all your forms. Wherever you have a form on your Web site (and off), add a checkbox or extra entry where contacts can sign up for your newsletter. Never force someone to deselect a checkbox; leave them empty by default.

Bills, receipts, and invoices. I read recently how a restaurant successfully grew its e-mail list by attaching cards to each bill. One of my clients adds stickers to invoices and store receipts encouraging customers to sign up.

Online video. Promote your newsletter in your online videos. Do this early on; most Web videos do not get viewed all the way through. If posting on YouTube, remember to add your URL to the title.

Start a blog. A nice side effect of starting my Style Campaign blog is that my newsletter subscription list has grown dramatically. Blogs increase your site traffic and allow the reader to get a taste of your newsletter content. Be sure to add a newsletter sign-up link on your blog sidebar so it can be accessible at all times.

Comment on blogs. No time to start a blog? You can still comment and get involved in discussions on other sites. Often your name will be linked back to your Web site, which can generate newsletter subscriptions.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Improve communications, boost customer loyalty and attract new and repeat business

In the times of economic uncertainty, Business owner need to improve communications, boost customer loyalty and attract new and repeat business.

Here are a few ideas:

■ Define Your Objectives. Understanding what you want to achieve with an email campaign should determine your content, and thus, your success. A promotional campaign is the best format to drive more sales or registrations for your business. To create brand recognition and reinforce your expertise in your industry, educational newsletters are the way to go. The most effective email strategies are those that offer value to your subscribers: either in the form of educational content or in the form of promotions.
■ Build a quality list. A quality, permission-based list is a vital component of any email marketing campaign. Ask for permission at every customer touch point such as your website, on the phone, At trade shows and networking events or at the register,.
■ Listen to your customers. It is critical that you understand your customers’ needs. You may use an online surveys tool to ask specific questions about customers’ preferences, interests and satisfaction, arming you with valuable information you can use to improve your products and services to best meet the needs of your customer bases.
■ Send only relevant/targeted communications. Don’t alienate your customers by sending irrelevant communications. Find out about their specific interests when they sign up, and then, send only relevant content to those subscribers. Your customers will appreciate the extra effort.
■ Leverage your brand. Brand recognition is important. Use or design templates that expresses your brand identity. Templates allow you to promote your local activities and events while ensuring brand consistency and increasing awareness.
Email communications are the best way for small businesses to keep in touch with their customers – easily and affordably!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How can you grow your list?

  • Place a “Join my email list” sign-up box on your website
  • Have a Website Contests—give away something of value, tickets to concert, samples of your products etc. to get people to join. One of my clients offer people who subscribe to their list a 10% discount plus 3 free sample packets of their face cream.
  • Encourage your customers or members to spread the word - Give prizes to active members who forward the newsletter to friends and get them to sign up.
  • Have a raffle @ a trade show - tell customers they will be placed on your mailing list.
  • Run an internal contest to get all your employees involved
  • Collect email addresses everywhere Are there organizations or businesses you could cross-promote with? find some and do so!

Here is a sample sign-up form.

Here are places that you can place this handy form:
  • Place them Near cash registers - as customer make their purchase, you can invite them to sign up.
  • At registration counter - as guest check in and out, the form will be right there.
  • At a fundraising event - participants will want to hear from you.
  • At places of worship - as people leave the service, they can opt in to receive your newsletter.